Oak Tree Ministries

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Welcome New Oak Tree Team Member!

Even through these long pandemic months, God is at work, growing the ministry and answering our prayers for more laborers. We are excited to officially welcome Randle Wright as the Adult Ministry Director at Oak Tree!

Because of your continued generosity we have been able to grow our team even in the midst of a challenging year. Families are facing new obstacles each day in our community and it is our joy to be able to expand support by adding a full time staff member focused on adults. Randle will be working with Mrs. Wanda, our Women’s Ministry Coordinator, to continue laboring with the families in Marks Village.

If you've been around the Treehouse much in the past few years the Wrights are probably no strangers to you. God has been using this faithful family to bless us since their first time volunteering. The Wrights quickly became part of the Oak Tree family and it was evident that God had tied their hearts to Marks Village. We look forward to seeing how God will continue to be glorified through them as Randle takes on this new role.

Please cover the Wright family in prayer and help us give a big Oak Tree welcome to Randle!

Hello, my name is Randle Wright, I am married to my amazing wife Kenyonia Wright. We have three outstanding daughters, Kendle, Kourtni, and Kasey Wright. I first served at Oak Tree three years ago, during the summer of 2017. Being at Oak Tree brought back a lot of personal memories for my wife and I, as we grew up in very similar environments and faced some of the same challenges that we see in Marks Village. I’m looking forward to building relationships with the people of Marks Village and working with the the staff and volunteers at Oak Tree Ministries.