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What Our Students Are Teaching Us

God is amazing in all the ways that he teaches us!

Reading Club is off to a wonderful start! We have had so much fun munching on snacks, playing with Legos, writing spelling words in shaving cream, and exploring our new library!

This past Tuesday, the Reading Buddies met together before the students arrived for our Bible Study time. We were talking about God’s attributes, specifically that he is holy, just, gracious, and the Creator. We read and memorized scripture and then talked about ways that these attributes could flow in our normal conversations with our students. Little did we know, but God was teaching our students the same thing!

During DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time, one student and her Reading Buddy were reading a book about a horse together. The children in the book were making fun of the horse because she didn’t look like the others. I know what you’re thinking, beautiful teaching moment, right? Well, yes! But, instead of the Reading Buddy beginning, the student looked up and said, “That’s not nice. They shouldn’t make fun of the horse because it’s different.” And as her Reading Buddy agreed the student continued to say, “You know, people do that sometimes too. Children make fun of others because they are different. But we shouldn’t make fun of others because they look different. God is the one who created us all that way.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself! That nine-year old girl just spoke Gospel truth to her Reading Buddy! If that isn’t proof that God is working, I don’t know what is.