THE VILLAGE IS ROCKIN! Or at least it will be in a few short months! You're invited to join Oak Tree Ministries and volunteers from local churches, ministries, and communities to ROCK THE VILLAGE 2017 at Marks Village in Eastlake. Come serve with us in a week of praise-filled, truth-telling, food-munching, crazy-awesome rocking outreach to our neighbors in Marks Village! We’ll meet Jesus everyday as we discover the “I AM” truths in His Word. There is nothing quite like Rockin’ the Village! Check out the info below, and get in on the joy!
Our daily schedule is as follows:
- 1:45 – 3:00 pm: Volunteer training
- 3:00 – 5:00 pm: Rock the Village Kick Off
- 1:30 - 2:30 pm: Prayer walking in the Village
- 2:30 - 3:00 pm: Volunteer preperation time
- 3:00 - 4:30 pm: Rock the Village gathering & discipleship – ages 4 yrs – 8th Grade
- 5:00 - 6:00 pm: Dinner for our Village neighbors & all volunteers
- 6:00 - 6:30 pm: Worship service
How do I join the Rock the Village team?
Sign up! Individuals, families, and small groups can participate in all or some of the activities planned for any (or all!) days of the week of July 23-27. When signing up, in the section labeled “INFO TO KNOW” (second page of the signup process) provide any details (which days, time constraints, children’s ages if your family is registering, etc.) that we’ll need to know to help us build our teams!
What if I can only serve a few days or at a specific time each day?
No problem! You will have the opportunity on the registration site to tell us which days and at what times you are able to serve under “INFO TO KNOW” section in the second page of the signup process. We’ll take you however we can get you! We don’t want you to miss out on this blessing!
I want to serve, but teaching children is not my gift! Can you still use me?
Absolutely! We can use every skill, from kitchen help to gate keepers! No willing soul is wasted. Just sign up under “OTHER” on the registration page and indicate your area of comfort in in the “INFO TO KNOW” section on the second page of the signup.
I want to serve, and I want to help with the planning and/or oversight before and during the week of Rock the Village. Can I?
We were hoping you’d ask... YES, by all means! we need several chiefs for Rock the Village. Please email Dimity Leath (RTV Coordinator) directly at She’ll be waiting for your call!
What can I expect after signing up?
Within a few days you’ll hear from one of the Rock the Village team members confirming your registration. Then, in early June, you’ll receive a detailed email with more information about what will be happening before and during Rock the Village week. You will not be asked to meet prior to July 23rd. We will communicate with you by email and video links for preparation in the interim. Then, we’ll meet as a team on Sunday, July 23rd for final preparations before our kickoff event begins.
I wish I could help, but I'm not available that week! Can I do anything to serve in advance?
Definitely! Believe it or not, it takes almost as much work beforehand as it does during the week of Rock the Village! We would love your help in preparing craft materials, putting handbooks together, and more. Just sign up under “OTHER” and indicate in the “INFO TO KNOW” section (second page of the signup process) that you’re available to help only before the week of Rock the Village.