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Spring Fundraiser Kick Off


Join us!

We are grateful for how you partner with us desiring to see God's Kingdom come in Marks Village as it is in heaven. As a friend and ally in the work, we’d like to invite you to a special upcoming event. 

When? April 13th, 5:00 PM

Where? The Leath home (RSVP for address)

What is it? A night of dinner and fellowship to hear stories of what God is doing in Marks Village and learn how you can become an advocate for Oak Tree to continue the work.

We’re asking you to donate a few hours of your time to join a team for seven weeks. This volunteer team will be equipped each week with a simple process to raise the money needed to sustain the work we are already doing and grow to have a larger impact in the community. 

If you’re unable to attend the kick off event but still interested in joining the team, let us know! We’ll make arrangements for you to get all the information you need.


Earlier Event: December 14
Christmas in the Village
Later Event: June 24
Hand in Paw - No More Bully's Camp