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Salt and Light


This was my 6th year Rocking the Village in Gate City and easily takes gold medal for best year yet! Over 100 children came to the Treehouse and heard the Gospel. It doesn’t get any better than that! They heard the Gospel through God’s Word in Storytelling, they saw the Gospel in science experiments and games. They colored pieces of the Gospel in artwork now hanging on the walls. They experienced the Gospel in the love and attention of countless volunteers. They drew the Gospel in their small groups and they sang the Gospel with songs and instruments.

Over 100 children have heard that while we live in a broken world, separated from God because of our sin, that God loves us. God wants to be with us and he sent his son Jesus who came to earth and died so that we could live with him. They have heard that all we need to do is turn from our sin and trust in Jesus and we get a new and wonderful relationship with God our creator!

They heard it and they are listening! They are processing, and they are responding to the Gospel! I had the great privilege to tell the Gospel each day through the stories Jesus told in his Message on the Mountain. And while the children diligently colored their coloring pages, they were listening.

On Tuesday, I taught about God calling us to be the Salt and Light in the broken world. We are salt and light when we love people the way Jesus loved us. We turn from ourselves and trust in Jesus and he gives us the Holy Spirit, making us little salt shakers and light bulbs, bringing flavor and light. Oh, I wish you could have heard us sing it!

One third grader said, “There ain’t no love here Ms. Halie.” Do you know what that means? He took the Gospel and he connected it to his small piece of this broken world. He saw that there are places with love and places without love and in his home, he doesn’t see love.


This isn’t meant to be sad or discouraging, this is meant to be exciting! We know there is love here. Jesus is here in Marks Village and he is moving. We know that his light, when seen in full, is blinding. So now, we pray. We pray that God opens the eyes of our neighbors to see the light that is already here, scattered in unlikely places. And we go. We go and we look for those that God is opening their eyes and we show them what God has shown us. He loves us. He’s here. And he’s sending us out.