Last month we hosted an open house to celebrate God’s provision to allow us to purchase the Tree House (better late than never). You can read more about that HERE.

The rain cleared just in time for us to welcome everyone in for a tour! It was truly a joy to reflect on all God has provided over the last few years through partners like you. Despite the incredible struggles brought on by the pandemic, by His grace, we have continued to grow as a ministry. And it feels like we’re just getting started!
We were extremely excited to announce to this group some of the things we’ve been dreaming up over the last year for the future of Oak Tree! Our first Community Advisory Board has been seriously discussing how we could be good stewards of our resources for the flourishing of Marks Village.
Many of you who have been around since the beginning of Oak Tree may remember that we own a large abandoned warehouse (formerly Bishop sign printing company) just down the street from our beloved Tree House. When we suddenly needed a place to conduct our children’s programs earlier than expected work on that building paused and we began renting our current facilities as a temporary solution until funds could be raised and renovations could take place at the Bishop Building. Things never go according to our time line, do they? Months became years and as ministry grew, and the Tree House felt more like home, the Bishop Building fell to the bottom of the priorities list.
When God made provision for us to purchase the Tree House and make it our permanent home we began to dream again about how that large empty warehouse could be used for the good of our community. We see now that God had a lot to teach us before taking on such a large project! We can always trust His good timing. Our ideas for the space have evolved over the years and we are now incredibly humbled that things are far beyond anything we ever could have imagined as we step into this next phase of ministry.
In April of last year we held our first community meeting brainstorming ideas and listening to the needs and desires of our neighbors. In October our Community Advisory Board was formed and since then we have been dreaming and strategizing together for this space.
What if together we could change the narrative about our community? What if, instead of “Can anything good come out of Gate City?” we heard “Have you seen what God is doing in Gate City?!”
What if we had enough space to have programs for multiple age groups happening simultaneously? What if we had more space and resources to support the entire family and focus on the needs of the adults just as much as the children in Marks Village? What if we could provide jobs right across the street? What if we had family friendly space where community could thrive, feel at home, and feel safe? Together, we believe all of this and more is possible! But, it will take a Village! We won’t be able to do it alone. We will need you to be a part of this exciting next phase of ministry!
Just imagine a “Shalom Incubator” right in the heart of Gate City!
In the coming months we will be working with our Community Advisory Board to sift through all of the ideas presented for the Bishop Building and we can’t wait to present final plans to you. We will also begin to seek out funding to begin our “It Takes A Village” initiative and explore how God will provide to make our dreams a reality!
Next week we invite you to come see what’s cookin’ at the Bishop Building for a fun community BBQ day! We will be sharing all of the ideas we’ve gathered so far, get feedback from Marks Village residents on which ideas are a priority to them, and have an art contest! So, come get a plate, make a donation to our first fundraiser and join us as we celebrate how far the Lord has brought us and where He’s taking us next! We hope to see you there!