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Moving out, moving forward

This week, Ambassador for Christ Church informed Oak Tree Ministries that we could no longer continue to use their facilities from which to operate our ministry. We have been so blessed by the wonderful three and half years of ministry alongside them. Our Oak Tree Team thanks the staff and faith family at Ambassador for Christ Church for those years. We will continue to proclaim the Gospel alongside them as we serve in Marks Village.

Oak Tree Ministry must vacate Ambassador for Christ Church by December 1, 2016. Our hope is that we will not miss a beat with our various ministry initiatives including Bible Club and Reading Club as we search for a new home or facilities to host them. Friends, we covet your prayers. 

Pray continually for God to provide a facility from which we can continue laboring together in the Gospel with our neighbors in Marks Village. Also pray that God would stir financial supporters to give and make a way for the renovation of the Oak Tree building in the Village.

Volunteers, there will likely be some schedule changes particularly in the month of December, so keep an eye on your email. In the weeks ahead, please stay tuned to the blog and to our Facebook and Twitter pages as we update you on new prayer requests and physical needs.

Finally, pray that God would make us more like Christ during this transition, and that we would keep our eyes on Him, confident that His plans will not be thwarted for His work to be continued always for His Glory until the trumpet sounds.