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The Women of Marks Village

I wish everyone could know the joy of walking through the village with Teresa and Wanda and watching the Lord at work. We have a list of women who signed up for a visit at Rock the Village and we try to drop in on them and pray with them. Sometimes we get to see those women and sometimes we don't. But God always has women prepared for us to talk with and pray with. Never has a woman responded in a negative way, even if we just see her on the street and ask if she would like prayer. Each one is grateful for the love that God shows them through the healing touch of another woman and the power of God through prayer.

And not just the women. Children swarm to Teresa to ask if it is “church day”. Many times they join hands in our prayer circle and wait patiently while we pray over their mom or grandma or aunt. We pray outside and we pray out loud so that anyone nearby can see and hear. We even had a man chase us down one day and ask for prayer!

God has truly blessed Teresa with the gift of discernment and He reveals issues to her that each woman is struggling with and they respond openly. Wanda, with her gift of service and helps knows exactly what practical issues need dealing with and how to do it. They each seem to know exactly which questions to ask. I am blessed with the responsibility to pray as these conversations take place.

God is at work in the lives of the women of Marks Village! I'm so grateful to Him that I get to witness it.

Praise Him!
