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Jesus: Masseuse

Don’t kids just bring everything into perspective sometimes!  Yesterday during Bible Club, we were reviewing Jesus’ final acts during Passover the night before His crucifixion.  I turned to one of my 1st grade boys Anthony and asked, “Anthony, do you remember what Jesus did to serve His 12 friends and teach them about serving others?”  Looking at the picture prompts being using to help the kids remember, Anthony boldly replied, “He gave them a foot massage.” 

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I would love a good foot massage from Jesus!  In all seriousness, I need Jesus to touch my feet - make these tired feet into feet that would carry the Gospel into dark places, into broken homes, into hurting hearts, into the souls of His children who desperately need to be touched by the nail pierced hands that purchased our salvation and restored us to our Father. 

Yes, Jesus, my feet need a good foot rub!